
Burning off the dross

RI Sex Slave Trade

Last weekend our congregation received a shock from the pulpit:

In RI, prostitution is legal if conducted indoors.

I had no idea. From the look on the faces, many in the church couldn’t believe it either. I spent some time last night researching the topic to provide a quick snapshot.

Only two states allow this, and in Nevada it’s legal only within a few counties. So RI is developing a unique statewide free market enterprise zone – sexual pleasure for sale.

Remarkably, prostitution defenders call it a viable profession to make ends meet. Disregard the moral decay or the irony here regarding the state discouraging marriage while encouraging single motherhood to discuss the primary side effect of this law: sex slavery.

While pimping is illegal, it’s almost guaranteed where prostitution flourishes. Remember supply-demand? It creates a nice cauldron of addictions and violent demands. Vice is vicious.

Now organized crime is importing sex slaves (which may include US citizens) and hiding behind privacy and an embedded bureaucracy that defends prostitution. The indoor practice covers up numerous activities, obstructing who is being chosen, masking whether this is consensual or demanded. Statutory rape? Who would know? Fetishes are being expansively entertained, bringing with them the potential depravity of snuff films. Is your skin crawling yet?

Gay sexual availability is a controlling factor and is a vehemently defended “right” . Few officers want to enter this area to enforce regulations. The violence and disease must be overwhelming, but untraceable, due to HIPPA laws.

I’ll give you an idea of where all this goes.

I’m adamantly pro-life (maybe an understatement). Logically, rationally, reasonably I can argue against abortion-choice arguments. However, one case of abortion usually done in sex slave situations inverts all reasoning.

If a female sex slave gets pregnant, the slavers don’t want her to abort – they keep her pregnant. In some cases, they will impregnate her on purpose. When she delivers, they use the child as a living ball and chain to hold onto the mother, preventing her from escaping. Later, her child is pressed into generational sex slavery.

Now you have the odd situation where abortion is considered both freeing of this depravity and merciful to the child.

It’s not consensual, it’s not her free choice, it’s not right. Birth is used as a tool of control over the enslaved woman.

Calling it “human trafficking” is too clean, too antiseptic to describe this filth, this slavery.

This evil needs to be purged from our state – and from all nations.

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