Sometimes the best way to obtain huge public exposure is to use your enemies outrage against them. In this case it looks like Planned Parenthood is up to it’s usual tricks of setting up an outrageous Mother’s Day promotion to instill both sides to pump up the volume and gain national attention. Continue reading →
I’m trying to determine the lowest number of categories one could reasonably identify most pro-life efforts/groups. The determining factor is by function – the primary function performed by the group. Here’s the list of categories: Actions: events/activities. March for Life, … Continue reading →
December 10, 2008
by Chris Arsenault Comments Off on Optimizing Coverage of March for Life
Okay – I promised network specifics. What do we need to do differently? First visit Blogs4Life. This interesting conference has a dual purpose – speakers covering the pro-life blogging topics in the morning – then covering the Annual March for … Continue reading →
Every “message” organization desiring to reach a broad audience has to use a medium – some technology. Usually the more sophisticated the technology, the larger the audience reached at a greater distance – ie. a satellite cable network reaches much … Continue reading →
One of the biggest complaints of the pro-life cause is inadequate coverage by the mainstream media. Remember: The 1st step of a revolution is to grab the communications facilities! Consequently – since 1916 we’ve been dealing with media that’s been … Continue reading →
December 1, 2008
by Chris Arsenault Comments Off on Seeing the other side
This morning I paid a very unlikely visit to DailyKos. In the article I was reading the writer referred to being carted off to Guantonamo by government officials for making certain statements (huh?), and it made me reflect upon some … Continue reading →
As a pro-life advocate, I’ve long been frustrated with not having a central “bank” with regard to arguments and evidence to “point” to. I’ve often re-written the same arguments to different people with little change, because the abortion-choice arguments come … Continue reading →