
Burning off the dross

Miss USA 2009, Gay pride and their hatred

It seems the Miss USA Pageant judges hold a complete disdain for anyone who holds a view contrary to their idea of what marriage should be, because those who have that view should keep it to themselves. Read Alicia Jacobs, a judge, in her own words.

More questions – why is a former Playboy model, Shanna Moakler running the Miss California USA Pageant, along with an openly gay man – Keith Lewis? Are nudes only bad if you’re losing money and need an additional controversial publicity stunt to boost ratings for the Miss USA Pageant? Is diversity only good if you’re part of those who consider themselves diverse?

My other question is: Did Moakler and/or Lewis suggest Prejean be photographed with the newly installed implants? And if so, who leaked the pictures? According to Alicia Jacobs, the Miss USA Pageant should be above reproach, but apparently they don’t think stints as Playboy pinups turned Directors is all that big of a deal. Why should conservative America be shocked? We have no problem admitting we are sinners, unlike others whose pride keeps roaring back as hubris.

If you can’t remember the name of who actually won the pageant, it’s because Perez Hilton made Carrie Prejean (Miss California) the star of the show, and the object of his wrath:

Let’s ask some questions:

1. Why were contestants picking judges and not questions from the container? This allows questions to be tailored to the contestant by the judge, which is precisely what happened. Any judge Prejean picked might have questioned her to the same result. While it appears impartial, this episode seems to have been constructed for 2 purposes: publicity of the pageant and publicity of the gay marriage cause. Why? That’s the next question.

2. Why is a homosexual blogger prone to outrageous militant exploitation sitting on a panel judging female beauty contestants? His aesthetic would be discriminatory against women given his sexual orientation and attitude. That makes his placement purely politically motivated. His venomous hate-filled words show a distinct misogynistic disdain. Was it about her opinion? Or is it her sex?

3. Why was candidate Obama, who provided precisely the same marriage answer as Prejean, not attacked? It’s not her opinion, but as a target of gay pride (mock offense), homosexuals are exploiting this to build hatred against those who defend traditional marriage.

3. Why is this still an issue, particularly with Keith Olberman on MSNBC? Publicity for gay marriage seems to be the primary motivator at this point, because Prejean lost the contest, and the alleged offense doesn’t match the backlash she received.

Technically, Carrie Prejean didn’t answer Hilton’s question, which called for a yes or no answer, and she failed to explain why like this:

“Legalizing same-sex marriage is inherently unfair to traditional married couples and in the long run is potentially harmful to the USA. Traditional marriage encourages procreation, and is best for children who are vital to our nation. Without children to replace the couple in a marriage (2.1 kids actually), a nation’s population diminishes, killing the nation.

Roughly 50% of us were conceived accidently and same-sex couples cannot accidently become pregnant. Given this self-selected sterility and the cost for IVF, it’s unlikely same-sex couples will pay to reproduce. So traditional married couples carry the greater economic and social burden of reproducing the posterity of the nation, while their marriage is deemed legally equal to sterile marriages. That’s direct discrimination against traditional marriage families.

That’s why I believe same-sex marriage is not in the long term interests of any state or the United States.

Frankly, Carrie Prejean should sue the Miss USA pageant to obtain the financing for her defense of marriage foundation. She has a great case for discrimination against her due to her sexual orientation, as well as solid grounds for public defamation of her character. She should include Perez Hilton in the lawsuit and sit him down and deposition him directly about his motives and obtain substantial damages.

In the meantime she’s gathering more potential litigants for libel and defamation.

And if I agree with her opinion, then I guess I’m hated too.

A same-sex marriage culture is not self-sustaining and must rely upon heterosexual culture to continue. If businesses that cannot sustain themselves aren’t desirable, why would same-sex culture be desirable for a nation?