
Burning off the dross

May 5, 2009
by Chris Arsenault
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I am the vine, you are the branches

Photo © 2004 Donna Arsenault

John 15:1-8 is a troubling passage; many find the references to vines, branches and fruitfulness confusing and the implications frightful. Recently our pastor, Dave Gadoury, shared the key to understanding this passage, which requires knowing how grapes grow and vines are pruned.

Here’s the first four verses in the NIV:

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. 3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. 4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

Since Y’shua is obedient to the Father, those who do God’s will through Y’shua will be productive. God trains the vine and prunes the branches.

Verse 2 is problematic. If you believe the NIV (and most commentary) pruned branches are “cut-off”, implying unfruitful believers are lopped off, later to be tossed into the fire.

So does no fruit in verse 2 mean no salvation?  My pastor didn’t think so and I agree.

The Greek keyword for “cut-off” is (k149) airo (ah’-ee-ro) – take-up or take away. The most common use is to take up, lift up, even raise up.  (knnn indicates Kohlenberger dictionary numbering while Snnn indicates Strong’s numbers.)

As a contrast, (k554) apairo combines (k608) ap -out of + (k149) airo – take up. Clearly, if God removed unfruitful believers, the better Greek word apairo would have been used. Also the Greek word (S1571) ekkathairo (ek-kath-ah’-ee-ro) found in 1 Corinthians 5:7 referring to purging old leaven would have indicated removal of unwanted branches. Ekkathairo literally means: take away out of, to purify. It means removal of impurities. Notice it includes the word airo. The word used in verse 2 regarding the fruitful branches God prunes is kathairo, which implies purity, but lacks the “ek” prefix (“out of” or “away from”).

So unfruitful believers are taken up, while fruitful believers are taken up and purified. Would God remove someone who was in Christ?

Verse 3 holds the key, but the meaning of airo must be understood within the context of grape vine pruning.

When studying Scripture it’s important to avoid getting micro-focused on words or specific verses but to also consider where dialog and events occur because the environment may establish an important context for the verse.

In John 14:31 Y’shua says “Come now; let us leave”, meaning the group is departing the Upper Room where the Pesach Seder was held. However, the journey is not finished until we read John 18:1:

When he had finished praying, Y’shua left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley. On the other side was an olive grove, and he and his disciples went into it.

Chapters 15, 16 and 17 contain an almost continuous sequence of discussion and prayer by Y’shua. But if we believe John 14:31, this occurred neither in the Upper Room or in Gethsemane. The Synoptic gospels leave out this detail. It’s unlikely Y’shua would say, “Come now; let us leave”, then speak and pray for another 20 minutes or so in the Upper Room.

For what it’s worth, I believe on their journey to Gethsemane the group stopped in a vineyard. In ancient Jerusalem vineyards would have been everywhere, including the house garden where the Seder was held. A vineyard would allow Y’shua to teach direct object lessons, reinforcing what he taught during the Seder, while also creating a memorable context for events unfolding in the coming hours. He could point directly at the vines while speaking.

Like many kinds of fruit trees, new shoots from old growth vines do not produce fruit the first year. The cane has to winter-over, then be pruned the next season so it will produce fruit. The cane should be kept off the soil though, because if covered, it will root and grow on it’s own, drawing nourishment from the soil instead of the vine. So new canes are lifted and tied up. They receive more sunlight which stimulates greater growth.

In the second year, right around Pesach, while vines are still dormant, the gardener will look for signs of vitality then prunes off about 85-90% of the top of each cane – he doesn’t take the whole branch! This not only encourages growth, but also produces fruit. As for those branches that were fruitful the prior season, they need to be cut back to what’s called renewal buds. Season after season canes are cut back to renewal buds which stem higher on the branch while the branch below grows thick and woody. So pruning strengthens the branch base while stimulating production of fruit. You can see this branch structure and fruit in the photo above. The thick portion down the bottom is the vine’s arm. The branch is the woody vertical part and the cane is the green branch with the fruit hanging off.

Careful tending and pruning of old established grape vines is critical to the quantity and quality of the wine produced.

Until Roman occupation, the Israelites let their grapevines sprawl on the ground in tangled masses. Rome’s success in wine production came from using trellises to lift the canes and fruit off the ground, keeping them from problems such as fungus, pooling water and overcrowded branches.

Given the overall context of the passage, it’s possible Y’shua was preparing the disciples for their own deaths – as branches from the vine hoisted up onto Roman trellises (crosses) to yield fruit for his kingdom, and to be cut off from life, to yield more fruit season after season. All of disciples present expect John died as martyrs. They were all quite fruitful for God. And it turns out 12 branches per vine is considered optimal for fruit production!

Let’s return to verse 3 where Y’shua makes it clear he’s expecting the disciples to be fruitful:

3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.

The disciples have been pruned because the keyword used is (k2754) katharos – clean pure, clear of responsibility, innocent, and they are in the vine. The non-productive part of their lives has been removed.

Most people forget that as Jesus is speaking these words, Judas is not present. He’s away arranging the betrayal. So Judas is not included in all the promises and prayers since John 13:30. Remaining true to Christ is not a matter of producing fruit but being willfully obedient as a sign of your unconditional love. This becomes even more clear when we consider verse 4:

4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

John, as the only disciple who knew Judas was betraying Christ that night [John 13:26], would be sensitive to the imagery conveyed, and the points Jesus was making in the vineyard. Here’s the critical piece – sometimes branches emerge from the root and threaten the productivity of the whole vine. They are not “in” the vine, and will not be fruitful. Like Judas, some may mistakenly reject Y’shua’s claim of Messiahship to return to their “roots”, religious or otherwise, missing Y’shua’s point that the vine is critical to fruitfulness. Verses 5-6 emphasizes this:

5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
6 If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.

Those who aren’t in Christ, but want to look like Christ – be the vine, when they are merely branches. Like Judas, they aren’t fruitful for the Kingdom of God. They wither the life out of the kingdom, and so are pruned off and discarded into the fire. But if you are in Christ, look at the promise he makes if you remain faithful and true:

7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.
8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

God is the Master Gardener, he wants the abundant fruit of our lives for His glory. It may take some yearly painful pruning, but in the end the promised fruit will be glorious and eternal!

Reference How to prune a grape vine.
Grapevine Pruning
History of the Grapevine in the Holy Land
Growing Grapes

May 2, 2009
by Chris Arsenault
1 Comment

Miss USA 2009, Gay pride and their hatred

It seems the Miss USA Pageant judges hold a complete disdain for anyone who holds a view contrary to their idea of what marriage should be, because those who have that view should keep it to themselves. Read Alicia Jacobs, a judge, in her own words.

More questions – why is a former Playboy model, Shanna Moakler running the Miss California USA Pageant, along with an openly gay man – Keith Lewis? Are nudes only bad if you’re losing money and need an additional controversial publicity stunt to boost ratings for the Miss USA Pageant? Is diversity only good if you’re part of those who consider themselves diverse?

My other question is: Did Moakler and/or Lewis suggest Prejean be photographed with the newly installed implants? And if so, who leaked the pictures? According to Alicia Jacobs, the Miss USA Pageant should be above reproach, but apparently they don’t think stints as Playboy pinups turned Directors is all that big of a deal. Why should conservative America be shocked? We have no problem admitting we are sinners, unlike others whose pride keeps roaring back as hubris.

If you can’t remember the name of who actually won the pageant, it’s because Perez Hilton made Carrie Prejean (Miss California) the star of the show, and the object of his wrath:

Let’s ask some questions:

1. Why were contestants picking judges and not questions from the container? This allows questions to be tailored to the contestant by the judge, which is precisely what happened. Any judge Prejean picked might have questioned her to the same result. While it appears impartial, this episode seems to have been constructed for 2 purposes: publicity of the pageant and publicity of the gay marriage cause. Why? That’s the next question.

2. Why is a homosexual blogger prone to outrageous militant exploitation sitting on a panel judging female beauty contestants? His aesthetic would be discriminatory against women given his sexual orientation and attitude. That makes his placement purely politically motivated. His venomous hate-filled words show a distinct misogynistic disdain. Was it about her opinion? Or is it her sex?

3. Why was candidate Obama, who provided precisely the same marriage answer as Prejean, not attacked? It’s not her opinion, but as a target of gay pride (mock offense), homosexuals are exploiting this to build hatred against those who defend traditional marriage.

3. Why is this still an issue, particularly with Keith Olberman on MSNBC? Publicity for gay marriage seems to be the primary motivator at this point, because Prejean lost the contest, and the alleged offense doesn’t match the backlash she received.

Technically, Carrie Prejean didn’t answer Hilton’s question, which called for a yes or no answer, and she failed to explain why like this:

“Legalizing same-sex marriage is inherently unfair to traditional married couples and in the long run is potentially harmful to the USA. Traditional marriage encourages procreation, and is best for children who are vital to our nation. Without children to replace the couple in a marriage (2.1 kids actually), a nation’s population diminishes, killing the nation.

Roughly 50% of us were conceived accidently and same-sex couples cannot accidently become pregnant. Given this self-selected sterility and the cost for IVF, it’s unlikely same-sex couples will pay to reproduce. So traditional married couples carry the greater economic and social burden of reproducing the posterity of the nation, while their marriage is deemed legally equal to sterile marriages. That’s direct discrimination against traditional marriage families.

That’s why I believe same-sex marriage is not in the long term interests of any state or the United States.

Frankly, Carrie Prejean should sue the Miss USA pageant to obtain the financing for her defense of marriage foundation. She has a great case for discrimination against her due to her sexual orientation, as well as solid grounds for public defamation of her character. She should include Perez Hilton in the lawsuit and sit him down and deposition him directly about his motives and obtain substantial damages.

In the meantime she’s gathering more potential litigants for libel and defamation.

And if I agree with her opinion, then I guess I’m hated too.

A same-sex marriage culture is not self-sustaining and must rely upon heterosexual culture to continue. If businesses that cannot sustain themselves aren’t desirable, why would same-sex culture be desirable for a nation?

April 27, 2009
by Chris Arsenault
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Judicial Complicity in Statutory Rape

Lila Rose exposes yet another Planned Parenthood covering up alleged statutory rape in TN in a pattern that is not isolated to one state, but now has been exposed at 6 clinics and multiple states.

There clearly have been violations of the law requiring reporting of the statutory rape, so the truth of the situation should be confirmed by authorities.


So in these exposés:

  • Does respective state case law dismiss prosecutorial actions due to journalistic exposure?
  • Can charges be filed against AG officials for failing to uphold the law?
  • To what extent is the state judiciary responsible for guardianship actions?

Although failure to report statutory rape is serious, a related problem is being revealed by Lila and her team at LiveAction.

Girls are sent to judges without explicit medical referral. For instance Lila is told to call on her own to obtain a judicial by-pass. Yet, with the state assuming the guardian role, the judicial by-pass hinges entirely upon the testimony of the 14 year old girl, without confirmation of pregnancy or legal determination of the father. Most states have laws stating pregnancy is a medical diagnosis made only by a doctor. How can a judge make a determination without depending upon a chain of responsible medical authority? After all, the judge is not a doctor. It seems sound medical and legal evidence is unnecessary for serious legal action. Is the judiciary breaking the law?

When medical agencies collect data, they are acting on a doctor’s behalf, thus establishing a chain of medical/legal liability. In guardianship situations, these agencies are also acting as agents of the courts because the authority over the child is transferred due to their discovery. PPA’s tactic of blaming it on employees appears to be legally non-binding.

With the financial motive/ conflict of interest in sending the girl for the bypass, there is an incentive to not investigate the cause of the pregnancy, because it may change the business dynamic if statutory rape is discovered.

If the pregnancy was the result of statutory rape, and an abortion was performed with a judicial bypass, then the state itself was complicit in destroying the very evidence of the crime!

Judicial by-passes are inherently complicit in existing abuse and encourage further abuse of little girls.

April 21, 2009
by Chris Arsenault
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RI Sex Slave Trade

Last weekend our congregation received a shock from the pulpit:

In RI, prostitution is legal if conducted indoors.

I had no idea. From the look on the faces, many in the church couldn’t believe it either. I spent some time last night researching the topic to provide a quick snapshot.

Only two states allow this, and in Nevada it’s legal only within a few counties. So RI is developing a unique statewide free market enterprise zone – sexual pleasure for sale.

Remarkably, prostitution defenders call it a viable profession to make ends meet. Disregard the moral decay or the irony here regarding the state discouraging marriage while encouraging single motherhood to discuss the primary side effect of this law: sex slavery.

While pimping is illegal, it’s almost guaranteed where prostitution flourishes. Remember supply-demand? It creates a nice cauldron of addictions and violent demands. Vice is vicious.

Now organized crime is importing sex slaves (which may include US citizens) and hiding behind privacy and an embedded bureaucracy that defends prostitution. The indoor practice covers up numerous activities, obstructing who is being chosen, masking whether this is consensual or demanded. Statutory rape? Who would know? Fetishes are being expansively entertained, bringing with them the potential depravity of snuff films. Is your skin crawling yet?

Gay sexual availability is a controlling factor and is a vehemently defended “right” . Few officers want to enter this area to enforce regulations. The violence and disease must be overwhelming, but untraceable, due to HIPPA laws.

I’ll give you an idea of where all this goes.

I’m adamantly pro-life (maybe an understatement). Logically, rationally, reasonably I can argue against abortion-choice arguments. However, one case of abortion usually done in sex slave situations inverts all reasoning.

If a female sex slave gets pregnant, the slavers don’t want her to abort – they keep her pregnant. In some cases, they will impregnate her on purpose. When she delivers, they use the child as a living ball and chain to hold onto the mother, preventing her from escaping. Later, her child is pressed into generational sex slavery.

Now you have the odd situation where abortion is considered both freeing of this depravity and merciful to the child.

It’s not consensual, it’s not her free choice, it’s not right. Birth is used as a tool of control over the enslaved woman.

Calling it “human trafficking” is too clean, too antiseptic to describe this filth, this slavery.

This evil needs to be purged from our state – and from all nations.

April 15, 2009
by Chris Arsenault
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Rhode Island Tea Party April 15th 2009

It was a beautiful day with just enough breeze to make the flags blow. The sign says it all.

The independent man would be proud

That’s the Independent Man on top of the RI State House. It’s a Lively Experiment.

April 10, 2009
by Chris Arsenault
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US President pleases PLO during Passover?

Obama releases waiver for Washington based PLO office. while he’s celebrating a Passover Seder at the White House.

This is just incredibly wrong. It’s not a protocol gaffe or anything else – it’s a direct slap at the Jewish people and the state of Israel, particularly when celebrating their release from captivity. Disgusting.

I’m guessing BHO didn’t learn about Balaam and his ass in Jeremiah Wright’s congregation, because he’s cursing Israel when he should be blessing them.

May God have mercy upon the United States of America.

March 30, 2009
by Chris Arsenault
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GM, President Obama & Fascism

Michael Ledeen wrote an interesting article “We are all Fascists Now” when Newsweek declared We Are All Socialists Now”

The next 2 parts of a great video series lay out what is happening right now!

Since President Obama demanded that GM’s CEO, Rick Wagoner resign how is it a free-market now?

Can political favor be purchased for market gains and means?

Is the President of the United States now the de-facto Chairman of the Board of GM?

Hand-waving and political gamesmanship won’t do, because it is part of the process.

Fascism – we’re already there.

BTW – Obama’s fascist popularity is not centered around nationalistic war, but cultural war. I’m certain similarities to other fascist leaders will easily be found if one is willing to look.